Wednesday, June 8, 2011

the dangers 3-way NYC streets

This video* is simply awesome. It exposes very clearly the recklessness of many of us new yorkers while going around the streets. However, is it me or it seems like the cyclists do the craziest things? I think I saw at least two of them going wrong way in the middle of the cars (!!). How to avoid these things? Is it lack of education? Should we add yet another expense to the government and ask for biking licenses? Or should policemen be able to fine them? How do you enforce such laws?

On a more personal note, as an everyday pedestrian I really dislike aggressive yielders, but putting myself in their shoes and remembering my driving times back in Mexico City, I can see how they could be very frustrated by just trying to take a right turn and not being able to due to an excess of pedestrians. Obviously, I am in for giving the right of way to pedestrians, as long as they rightly have the right of way (valga la redundancia). Anyway, do click on the link. It is good 3 min of well done fun.

(via kottke)

*I am sorry I can only embed it comes from youtube... at least, apparently.

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