Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Italia sotto la neve!

Have you seen how much it's been snowing in Europe? They took all our snow and multiplied it! I am not sure how I feel about it : P

As usual, I am very biased towards what's going on in Italy. Today, Corriere della Sera has some very impressive pictures of the country under the snow. My two favourite ones:

Le pecore di un agriturismo di Anversa degli Abruzzi tracciano nella neve il sentiero che permetterà ai proprietari di rompere un isolamento durato tre giorni e raggiungere il paese (Lattanzio/Ansa)   Campobasso, sotto le montagne di neve ci sono delle autovetture parcheggiate (Luongo/Ansa)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

A.A. - Un calamar

‎"Mom, hice un calamar" 
‎"Mom, I drew a squid"

Not your everyday illustration from a 3-year old :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The happy secret to better work

Shawn Achor talks about the happy secret to better work in this TED talk video. 15 min very well spent (find video at the end of this post).

This video comes to complement very nicely a book that my sister recommended me: A general theory of love. I haven't finished reading it, but from what I have read and the video I gather that there is a lot of research about how our feelings are related to chemical reactions in different parts of our brain. With such understanding, one thing that we can do is basically train it to think more positively. This, of course, requires the good and constant practice of certain activities. The speaker recommends the following to create a lasting positive change:
  • 3 gratitudes
  • Journaling
  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Random Acts of Kindness

Sounds funny/weird/awkward, but since I started practicing yoga more regularly and a bit of meditation a couple of times a week, I feel the change.

That's why I am making this a personal project for February. Starting from yesterday I will email my sister one satisfaction that I had throughout my day (and she will e-mail me hers!); I set up a google spreadsheet with a table where I will record 3 things I am grateful for (you can't repeat!), and I already signed up for yoga twice a week for this semester. Let's see how it goes!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Paris vs New York - the book!

I am not sure whether I've ever posted any of the illustrations from the website Paris vs New York. Graphic designer Vahram Muratyan has very cool illustrations that contrast different things, people, and activities from these two great cities. After first releasing some prints of the illustrations that you can buy from the website, he is finally releasing a book! (#wishlisted)

If you happen to be in New York City this week, the book signing and exhibition is tomorrow. I will have to try to go!

Scroll down for some samples. I would still recommend to go to the website. It's just rad.