Thursday, March 29, 2012

bits by bits

I learned today about littleBits, a start up that encourages creating with electronics as easy as playing with lego. In their own words:
littleBits is an opensource library of electronic modules that snap together with tiny magnets for prototyping and play

Founder Ayah Bdeir gives a quick fun demo during her 6min TedTalk last February 27 (pretty new stuff!).

A rad way to bring electronics into our DIY creative projects!

P.S. I don't wanna lego!


Cracked me up :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ballet in slow motion

When you go to see ballet, have you ever wished you could see at least some of the movements in slow motion? This video of ballet dancers Marina Kanno and Giacomo Bevilaqua from Staatsballet Berlin achieves just that. At 1000 frames per second it's the perfect eye candy.

(via swissmiss, who in turn reposted from my oh-so-left-into-oblivion-kottke)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Serious vs Solemn

Designer Paula Scher gets serious on this TED talk (so popular it got translated to 14 languages!).

Some interesting phrases:

- Sometimes the best way of [getting serious] is being completely unqualified for the job

- After realizing you have become solemn at your work, go back and rediscover what you can play with, fail with, be arrogant, foolish, or completely ignorant about and go about being serious again.

Things to think about: how serious/solemn are we? How to go push ourselves to move around that cycle?

The other Dr Seuss

Dr Seuss, even though mostly famous for his illustrations for kids, also drew a book of nudes (!) and even contributed to contemporary art. I really like this drawing and the quote that I found with it:

A Seuss drawing suggesting that no matter how big, inflated or different the image we try to portray, being ourselves is most important.
TM & © 1995 Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L. P., Secret Art Collection, courtesy of the Museum of Science and Industry

Go here for more info about Dr Seuss, the books, and more illustrations. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

A.A. - dulces sin azúcar

Mi prima con su hija de 3 años

Source: via Stacey on Pinterest
Mi hija se encuentra unos dulcecitos IceBreakers (sin azúcar) en mi bolsa y me pregunta:-Mami, puedo comer uno?
-No mi amor, son para viejas gordas (por decir dietéticos)
Ella se queda pensando un momento y derrepente emocionada acordándose de algo me dice:
-Mami!! Mi abuelita me dice "Cosa gorda" y mi abuelo me dice "donde están mis viejas" a mi prima y a mi... Me puedo comer dos!!! Soy "vieja" y soy " gorda"!!!!!!! 

Lógica impecable :)

The Story of Keep Calm and Carry On

Made me smile :)

(via swissmiss)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How much Yahoo! needs Facebook

Today at pando daily:

Yahoo woke up and realized that Facebook has way too much control over its users. 
But as our infographic below shows, that hardly happened over night. As with most things in Sunnyvale, if Yahoo is upset about that, it only has itself to blame. Desperate to stay relevant and keep growing, Yahoo continually integrated its products deeper and deeper with Facebook, and now it finds itself beholden to the social networking giant.

Monday, March 19, 2012

If the world's population lived in one city...

Is it me or infographics are the next big thing? This is a cool one:
The world's population, concentrated
Chart from Per Square Mile
Paris and New York are way too dense, and Houston too spread out. I like San Fran, maybe London :).

Have a great week!

(via swissmiss)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The coolest umbrella

This is what I tell the rain I had almost everyday in my spring break:

Of course, we were driving most of the time, but you get the idea :).

Found it here.

Friday, March 16, 2012

A.A. - dulces para gordas

Mi prima con su hija de 3 años:

Mi hija trae una bolsita de krankys y se los esta comiendo tan sabroso que le digo "Me regalas uno?" y ella me contesta "Si, son para gordas también!" :l jajajaja!!!!!! Plop!!!! 

¿Qué concepto de gordura traerá? Mi prima no está gorda. Qué miedo.

do not compare yourself

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

Got to stop doing that - #easiersaidthandone

Have a great weekend!!

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters

Chapter One
I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost …. I am helpless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter TwoI walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend that I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I am in this same place.
But, it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter ThreeI walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in … it’s a habit … but, my eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.

Chapter FourI walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

Chapter FiveI walk down another street.

(via swissmiss)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yahoo sues Facebook

On a follow up on the post of how the patent system is hindering innovation, now it turns out that Yahoo had the whole idea of social network before Facebook. The latter shouldn't get all the profits credit without paying its share, of course. Hence, Yahoo is now suing Facebook.

Whose like is it anyway?
Picture from NPR

Monday, March 12, 2012

Bad Laundry Day

Whoever likes to do laundry, please stand up. I am assuming everyone is still seating, right?  I loathe it! Especially because I have the talent of having accidents with the machines all too frequently and I never seem to take good care of my clothes...

I guess I share this feeling with prague-based artist Goenetix, who created a series of awesome illustrations. It's good to see that superheroes can also have bad laundry days.


A.A. - Jilguero

Mi prima con su nena de 3 años:

via Pinterest

En el carro:Mi hija: Mami, canta con la músicaYo: Ahora noMi hija: mami cantaYo: no gracias mi amor, no tengo ganas de cantarMi hija: Mami, canta, te ves HERMOSA cuando cantas...Y por supuesto que en ese instante me solté cantando como jilguero!!!!!!! Jajajaja

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On Loss Aversion and Intellectual Property

This is the fourth part of a series called Everything is a Remix. 15 min well spent.

(via swissmiss - yes, again! I am catching up with my reader on this blog, as you can see :) )

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A.A. - Bella y la Bestia

‎"Mamá yo ero bella y tu eres bestia" :l (me habrá querido decir algo????)


How long do animals live?

Didn't you always wonder this when you were a kid? I didn't know geese could live so long!

Made me smile.

(via swissmiss)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Snow drawings

I had to post this... it's really amazing -- those circles were made by people walking on fresh snow. Reminded me of the post about Fibonacci circles in Siberia. Cool people.
 (via swissmiss)

Snow Drawings at Rabbit Ears Pass by Sonja Hinrichsen snow photography

(a couple more pics after the break)

Friday, March 2, 2012

A.A. - una lagrimita por Marthelo

‎- Mamá, leonardo ya no me encanta porque escupió y jugué a correr con Marthelo y le dije que era mi príncipe y él me dijo que no que Naty es su princesa...-Y tú que hiciste mi amor???- Nada, me salió una lagrimita silenciosa y seguí corriendo...

Aaaaaawwww mi chiquita sufrió de amor sin mí!!!!!!!!

Illustration source: via Tessa on Pinterest

A.A. - chambeando

Mi prima con su hija de 3 años:

Mi hija le está ayudando a la vecina a lavar su carro y yo le digo: "Mi amor estás chambeando??" y ella me contesta: "Si mamá, a ti te gustaría ponerte a chambear algún día?". (qué me querría decir?????... Plop!!!!)

jajaja me encanta... :)

A.A. - la elegancia duele

Mi hija: Mami, me duelen las piernas...
Yo: Y eso por qué? Por qué te duelen tus piernas?
Mi hija: Porque todavía no son suficientemente elegantes!

A.A. - pastelillos

Mi prima con su hija de 3 años:
CONFETTI CAKES = LOVEEstamos mi chiquita y yo haciendo pastelillos para sus maestras del día del amor y la amistad y le estoy explicando: "Nena, tu les hiciste estos pastelillos a tus maestras, bla bla bla...". En eso la escucho decir "piensa, piensa, piensa". Le pregunto porqué dice eso y me contesta: "Estoy pensando muy fuerte para que alguien me haga pastelillos a mi"Awwwww!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I am so behind I won't be writing translations for these batch. I am not sure what the demand for them is anyway... If you want them, please post your comment and I will update the posts with the translations :).

Picture via Pinterest.

staying young

I know, I've been absent. I am sorry. I don't think it's going to change much... even though, spring break is coming up... so who knows :). No big updates, though.

I thought I would just share with you some thoughts I have had in recent weeks (you can keep reading after the break):