Wednesday, January 18, 2012

NYC in the 80s

Here's a great photo gallery of what NYC looked like in the 80's. Here are some of my faves:

I am impressed by how the twin towers dominated the skyline. 
I see/feel it very differently now that I have lived here for a while than just seeing it on TV.
WTC 50

Graffiti seemed to be much more of a common (under) street art than what it is now!
NY in the 80s 50

This looks like a movie set... Instead it was the actual lobby of a building downtown!
Office building lobby 1

There are things that don't change much: like Converse sneakers : P.
NY in the 80s 129

Here is the link to the gallery again. I recommend browsing it, especially if you like NYC for any reason. It has very cool shots.

(via kottke)

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